- +51 (55) 1500 2200
- atencionmx@wvi.org
- Mon-Fri 9:00 - 17:00
Campaña “Libres de Trabajo Infantil”
Campaña “Libres de Trabajo Infantil” 12 de junio.- Conmemorando el Día Mundial contra el Trabajo Infantil, World Vision a través del programa Campos de Esperanza lanzó una campaña digital llamada “Libres de Trabajo Infantil”, en la cual se sumaron alrededor de 29 socios de organizaciones civiles, sector público y privado para sensibilizar por medio de … Read more
Coloquio: Trabajo Digno en el Sector Agroindustrial
Coloquio Trabajo Digno en el Sector Agroindustrial World Vision logra amplia convocatoria al diálogo para analizar la situación de los jornaleros agrícolas en México. Acuerdan caminos para avanzar hacia mejores condiciones de trabajo para los jornaleros. Con participación de reconocidos especialistas en temas de derecho laboral, representantes de los sectores caña y café, de organizaciones … Read more
Exchange of experiences between producers in the cane and coffee sector.
Aiming at the promotion sharing good practices for improvement in productivity and management of Occupational Health and Safety, two exchanges of experience were carried out to identify productivity techniques, practices and innovations in the fields of sugarcane crops and coffee.
Employability training for youth
In order to address the problem of lack of jobs in the communities and provide work alternatives to adolescents who work in dangerous activities in the agricultural sector, young people between 15 and 17 years old and adults from beneficiary households are provided with the opportunity to access courses where they learn a job and start small businesses.
Training for coffee producers in Safety and Health for their care and that of their families
Training has been carried out for coffee producers, focused on four topics: nutrition of the coffee plantation, harvest with quality and health, prevention of risks in the coffee plantation and care of the coffee plantation to promote is to promote self-management of safety and health on farms .
Training in Artistic Languages for Young People from Agricultural Communities
Young people from agricultural communities were trained in artistic language management as a learning tool with children and adolescents.